Monday, June 30, 2008

One of the Boys

Rylee got invited to a birthday party this last Saturday. His name is Quinlan and he goes to her daycare. He is one of her little buddies there and she was so excited when I told her she was going to his party.

So we get to the house on Saturday and we were the 1st to arrive. There was supposed to be 3 other kids that Rylee went to school with that were invited-Kierstan, Braiden and Gage. I didn't know whether they would be coming or not but Kierstan is one of Rylee's best friends so I hoped she would come. People were starting to show up with their kids but it ended up that the only other kid from school at the party was Gage. So Rylee ended up playing with a bunch of boys but she had no problem with that. She can play just as hard as they do. I guess because I am a girl who didn't really have a lot of friends that were boys I was a little worried but she didn't care. I don't even think she noticed that she was the only girl. I hope that she will always be that carefree.

They played on the water toy for a good 1 1/2 hours and then they played with water guns. They had this transformers pinata that took forever for them to break open and Rylee wouldn't back up far enough and almost got hit several times. Then once it did break she comes over and has one box of candy. Being the good mother that I am I told her to go get herself some more (because we all know who really eats the candy). She loved the water toy so much though that when it came time for cake and ice cream she didn't even want some and this girl loves ice cream.
Anyway, she had a blast. She is already planning her birthday party so I guess I should probably start the planning right now because November is right around the corner.

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