Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Festival of the Trees

Last week Rylee got an invitation to perform with the big kids at school who were going to perform at the Festival of the Trees. I was so excited for her so we definitley decided to let her sing. It was fun to have her come home and practice the songs for us. The song they sang is a really good one for the Christmas season called Happy Birthday Jesus. In this clip they are singing "all the carols and bells make the holidays swell but it's all about you" and then they end it with Jesus I love you. It really brings tears to my eyes to hear these 3 little spirts singing such a special song about Jesus. I hope to hear it again later when they have their Christmas program. By the way, Rylee is the one with the big pom pom on her hat made only bigger with her hair being in a bun! :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

All Moved In!

Well it seems like a long time coming but we are finally moved in. What a crazy week it has been. We still have quite a bit of unpacking to do but it is coming along. I think the hardest part for me is deciding on where everything belongs. I almost don't even want to unpack because I just get this feeling of being overwhelmed (I know I asked for it) but once I finally delve into a box and get going it gets a little easier. We finised unpacking the kitchen decorations tonight and what a good feeling it is. My living room is almost done. I am saving bedrooms and bathrooms for last as nobody sees them but me. We are still waiting for our blinds but I think they are supposed to be in this week. Here's to hoping as I am sure my neighbors love the teddy bear blanket that is hanging from Rylee's window! :) Hopefully I can get some pictures to show later.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Fun!

We had a good weekend. It was kind of a bummer because we ended up not closing on our house Friday so my mom and I had canceled our trip to Utah for nothing and had my sister come here to help us move for nothing. Well, at least the kids had fun trick or treating together. Friday night we went to the Ucon School Carnival. It was cute and the kids had fun there and got lots of candy there. I haven't been to a school carnival since I was in elementary school so it kind of took me back a little bit.

Saturday we went and visited the grandmas and grandpas that we could and of course the kids got more candy there. Then that night we went to Trunk or Treat and then went around my mom's neighborhood trick or treating. At one point we just took the kids from house to house in the car and when there were a couple of houses in a row with the lights on we just had the kids run instead of getting in the car and it was so cute to see their little legs running as fast as they could go. I think they had a lot of fun! Andrew was a UPS man and Rylee was Cleopatra. They both looked really cute and luckily it wasn't too cold. I did miss decorating my house all scary though but that is something I have to look forward to next year!