Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Festival of the Trees

Last week Rylee got an invitation to perform with the big kids at school who were going to perform at the Festival of the Trees. I was so excited for her so we definitley decided to let her sing. It was fun to have her come home and practice the songs for us. The song they sang is a really good one for the Christmas season called Happy Birthday Jesus. In this clip they are singing "all the carols and bells make the holidays swell but it's all about you" and then they end it with Jesus I love you. It really brings tears to my eyes to hear these 3 little spirts singing such a special song about Jesus. I hope to hear it again later when they have their Christmas program. By the way, Rylee is the one with the big pom pom on her hat made only bigger with her hair being in a bun! :)

1 comment:

Tandee said...

That was so cute to hear them sing! What a great opportunity for her to sing. Congratulations on moving in, too. I hope all the unpacking is getting more exciting. =)