Thursday, June 12, 2008

I am not quite sure how to get started. I have all these things that I could say but not sure how to put them. How bout this-we started Rylee doing dance lessons 2 weeks ago. She just had her 2nd lesson on Tuesday. She really likes it. She likes to spin around in her leotard and make her little skirt move. She is doing a jazz/ballet/tap class and she got to do a little bit of tap on Tuesday-it is really fun to watch her try to get all the steps the teacher is showing them. She really wants to get back into swim lessons. We had her in swim lessons a couple months ago and that is all I ever hear about "but what about swim lessons" she says. Next month Rylee, next month!

Right now we are trying to have another baby. It has been a year since we have been on clomid and we just started doing the IUI. I just had my 2nd and last one today. They are so expensive. I don't understand why these things have to cost so much! I told Rylee that I was going in to the doctor today and she says "but what about me". It's all about her these days. I told her that she doesn't need to go to the doctor today but mommy is trying to have another baby. She says I want to have a baby in my tummy and a baby brother and a baby sister. No baby in her tummy for a long time!! but hopefully this time around we can get her a brother or sister. But what I need to do is be grateful for what I have now. Rylee is just growing too fast and I let this getting pregnant thing consume me. I need to not let getting pregnant consume me so much and appreciate the blessing that I do have now more.

1 comment:

andrew's mom said...

Very well written my dear. Now all you need is to upload a picture of Rylee in her leotard. Love ya!