Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend

It was a beautiful Easter weekend. The weather was nice both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday we went to the Easter egg hunt that my ward had. It was really kind of fun because they had the whole field covered in easter eggs. What was so nice is that 1) it wasn't crowded like the one we went to in Ucon last year-couldn't even move with that one and 2) after the kids collected the eggs they just turned them in for bags of candy so each kid got the same amount of candy. It was so funny though because there are all these eggs just lying there and Rylee is running past them all-I don't know where she was going!
That night we colored easter eggs which was a lot of fun. We made a Rylee egg, a mommy egg and daddy egg but daddy's egg was yellow and it was so light you couldn't really see the word daddy-poor Justin! Here is a picture of our eggs. I was just going to take the picture in the egg carton but my clever husband told me to put them in one of our Easter baskets so they looked cute.
Here is Rylee with her Easter bunny ears on and a picture of her in her Easter dress. She looked so pretty but I forgot to take the picture until after church and we had already taken off her shoes and tights. My daughter the Poser-it seems like every picture we take of her now she is striking a pose!

Later that day we went to my Aunt Cheryl's house where we had ham and turkey and lots of other yummy food! I made dessert and since I couldn't decide what to do I made 2 different things. This picture is of Rylee and I making the cookies. She always likes to help make cookies so I just let her have a bowl and she put whatever she could find in it. The end result was some flour, cherry juice, cherries, cream cheese, cookie dough and wheat thins. Unfortunately I didn't think to get a picture of her masterpiece-it was lovely!

It was a good weekend but the one thing missing was my sister and Andrew. Holidays are always better when they are here with us! But Mom, Rylee and I are going to Utah this weekend for my Nicole's birthday so that will be a fun weekend!

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