Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My New Obsession is.......

Food blogs! I came upon them when I was trying to find the new Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses and I found a blog that rated these candies and that blog just took me from there. Oh my gosh I just can't get enough of them. I love to cook and am always wanting new recipes to try and when I stumbled upon these last week I just haven't been able to get enough. Each food blog has a list of more food blogs and I am just crazy trying to look at them all and see who has yummy recipes for me to try. If I sound a little food crazy it is because I am. I have a huge binder called the Big Ass Cookbook or B.A.C for short, full of recipes I have been collecting for years that I have gotten from websites like Kraft Foods.com and Food Network but I was kind of getting bored of these websites so I am all excited about these new blogs. I have a feeling I will be needing a new B.A.C. soon!

By the way-if anyone sees these Pumpkin Spice Hershey kisses you have to let me know. I love everything pumpkin and I hear they are really tasty. They are only sold at Target (that I know of and I have checked every other store in town and they have none) and Target has been sold out of them every since. By the looks of the package they are only here to stay for Halloween but I am hopeful that they will be back in November!


Heather R said...

That makes me laugh because I have a huge binder that I have put recipes in also. Now I just need to organize them better. I have gotten in a hurry and now it looks pretty bad. Maybe this winter when it is cold outside I can organize. I love food blogs too! I hate how I can think I have only been on them for a few minutes and it has been hours! Oops!I will buy you a bag if I see the kisses!

Tandee said...

You're hilarious! I'm afraid to start looking at those blogs, because I know I'll end up spending hours on them, too. I should have a binder, but haven't gotten around to making one. I'm always looking for good, on-hand ingredient recipes. If you have any favorites that you don't mind sharing, I'd love to try some! Then I won't have to go on those blogs... =) p.s. Did you close yesterday?