Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Outfit

Really there hasn't been too much going on in my life right at this minute but I figured I needed to write something. I have things in the near future that I am looking forward to like John Mayer, visiting my sister and camping which I will write all about later. Speaking of John Mayer I had a really weird dream about him last night. Well it wasn't about him but he was in it and so was Jennifer Aniston. I think I am just too worried that I will forget something I need or won't have anything to wear which is just stupid. I actually went out and bought a brand new outfit just for the occasion yesterday and in my dream I forgot that outfit and I was so upset. My sister and i have been all worried about what we are going to wear and now I no longer have to worry. I even called her yesterday just to brag. She said she was happy for me but not really. She is just jealous because she doesn't have anything to wear yet. This is the outfit by the way. I just thought it would be fun to put it on since I don't have any pictures to go with this blog.
How dumb is that but now I will always remember what I wore to the concert. How crazy am I. When I look back I will probably think it is the most hideous thing ever but don't we all do that when we look at older pictures and think now why did I wear that. Anyway, I am really excited and you will hear all about it later.

1 comment:

andrew's mom said...

You wish I was jealous! You're just jealous that JM is going to see me, fall madly in love with me and dump JA! Of course, then I'll have to break his heart and tell him that I am married to the Pup. Alas...