Sunday, June 28, 2009

All Moved In....

Kind Of! Well, we are all out of our house and now living in my parents house. Thursday was a sad day for me because it was officially the last day in my house. I cried a couple of tears over my backyard that we have put so much work into and the beautiful flowering tree that I got to enjoy for all of 2 months. At least I got to see how pretty the flowers were so I will keep that tree in mind for the future. I cried a little over Rylee's room and just remembered all the preparation and excitement that we had for her arrival and I was a little teary over my red basement room downstairs because I really liked that room. Last but not least I am very sad to be leaving my neighborhood. I have some of the best neighbors around-always willing to lend a helping hand. I will miss them! But I have to remember that soon (not soon enough for me) our new house will be done and we get to start ALL OVER AGAIN!

But as of right now we are kind of living out of boxes. Most of our stuff is in storage and what we took over to my parent's house is almost unpacked. My goal was to get it done by the end of the weekend but ya know-you have to take a break every once in a while (especially since DH and I have both had our breakdowns). We spent all Saturday morning getting things unpacked and somewhat organized while Rylee got ignored. So that afternoon we took her to the zoo and funland. Alas, no pictures as I don't know where my camera is right now.

Sunday I went to church with my mom which was so weird because they have sacrament last and I am so not used to that. So when we went to Relief Society first I got sad all over again because I missed my ward that I was just getting to know. I am sure that things will start to seem normal to me. Just when I will be getting comfortable it will be time to move again! As soon as they start digging I am sure I will have pictures (if I can find my camera). Can't wait!


Heather R said...

We miss you too! I couldn't find my way to Sunday School without you. I ended up in the nursery for that hour helping my friend.It will be weird to see someone else living in your house. I know I'm kinda attached to our place since we put all the labor into the basement and yard. But once you have your new place it will be great!

andrew's mom said...

Tell your cats to get over themselves. Love you!

Tandee said...

We miss you already. Thanks for stopping by the other day. It was good to see you. We'll still have to have Rylee over to play this summer. I hope these next few months are bearable. It's hard when it's not your own place. I can't wait to see photos of the new house (or hole for now...)! =)