Saturday, August 1, 2009

Field Trip

So last Tuesday I got the oppurtunity to go on a field trip with TLC daycare (Rylee's school) to Tauphus Park Zoo. I know it doesn't sound like anything special but I don't get to spend everyday all day with Rylee and as a plus I got to see her with her friends and teachers. There were 2 other mothers there and then a couple of the teachers and each of us had a group of 4 kids to be in charge of. I have to say that these kids really behaved themselves. They could have gone absolutley crazy or I could have since I am not used to so many kids but they really were good. We had a good time and at the end we had a sack lunch out at the park and the kids got to run around a little bit. Here is a picture of the kids listen (very attentivley) to Miss Meg talking about the lemurs-they always listen to Miss Meg!

Here are a couple of girls in the petting zoo area (notice the my little poser in the picture) having fun playing!

Here are some cute little monkeys I saw


SugarandSpice said...

Thanks for linking my blog! I know what you mean about the field trip thing. I got to go on a fieldtrip with my daughter's kindergaten class last year, but my kids were not all so well behaved:)

Tandee said...

I love to go to the zoo! I'm sure it was a fun time for Rylee, and I'm glad it was fun for you, too. =) p.s. Love her smiley poses!