Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kindergarten Graduation

What an emotional week it has been. Everytime I pull into the school and think about Rylee leaving I get very teary eyed. I don't know why it is so hard for me to see her growing up-I think it is all just happening way to quickly.

Today was Calvary's kindergarten graduation and it was so cute. They had a little program and Rylee even had a part-she got to hold the R from the alphabet bet and say "R is for reading stories, even those that brought a tear" and she did a great job. They sang a couple songs and it is probably because I am just a little biased but I always think that she does the actions the best. She is so into it! And then they called each child up to shake Principal Peck's hand and give Mrs. Thompson a hug. I was doing good because I wasn't crying and I thought I had made it through without a tear. And then they awarded both kindergarten teachers a picture of their class and all the kids had signed it and finished with a prayer. And then the tears came and they just wouldn't stop. The worst part was that I kind of snorted. Oh well, it felt good to get it all out.

Calvary has been such a great school and Rylee really had a great experience and I am a little sad that we won't be going there next year as she was accepted to the new math and science school Mountain Valley for 1st grade. I will really miss Mrs. Thompson as she has been a part of Rylee's life for so long and has always been so good to her. I don't know what we'll do without her. Hopefully we can go and visit. I will also be starting a new job as of next week of Stay at home Mom. I made the hard decision of leaving my job so I could spend some more time with Rylee. I am not sure how this is going to go as I have worked since I was 16 years old and have been full time since I was 19. I am not quite sure what I will do with myself all day especially when Rylee goes back to school. I have some that say you will find things to do and others telling me I will be bored to tears. My boss was nice enough to say that if I happened to want a few hours come fall time to give him a call he would love to have me back so that's always nice to know if I start pulling my hair out! :)

Anyway to finish up this post I'll just say ON TO NEW ADVENTURES!